What is CBD?

CBD, stands for cannabidiol, which is a natural compound from the cannabis Sativa plant, also known as hemp. CBD is part of the non-psychoactive portion of the plant (read: you’re not going to get ‘high’ from this - that’s what THC does).

Where is your CBD from?

We source our hemp and CBD locally. And for us that means Minnesota. We’re committed to working with small, family farms that not only bring experience to the table, but also care about the Earth and environment. Our CBD products are organic and we value practices like regenerative agriculture.

How Often should I take CBD?

Like anything, CBD is best when used consistently. Trying to relieve that knot in your neck? Use our salve nightly. Adding a sense of ease to your morning routine with our daily use tincture? Make it seven days a week. The impact compounds over time, helping to create long-term benefits. And if you have questions, reach out. We’re here to help educate!

Who makes your CBD products?

We do! We’re committed to creating exceptional, useful, and reliable products. And right now that means we’re responsible for creating each and every Big Flower product.